Using Acupuncture and More to Treat Back Pain: A Natural Alternative

Acupuncture points, back pain

In a world where we are constantly bombarded by various health treatments, medications, and therapies, it can be overwhelming to choose the best approach for relieving back pain. For those who are reluctant to rely on heavy medications or surgical interventions, acupuncture, herbs, and movement therapy offer a natural, non-invasive option. 

What causes back pain?

Back pain can occur for many different reasons. It can come on suddenly or through gradual wear and tear of the spinal structure. Some of the main reasons back pain can flare up include muscle strains, ligament or tendon damage, spinal disc injury, subluxation of vertebrae, or a combination of any of these. The result can be inflammation in the joints or aching in the musculature, both of which can bring about pain, either mild or often debilitating enough to restrict movement and interfere with your favorite activities.

How does Acupuncture treat back pain?

To properly treat back pain, the specific cause of the pain must be uncovered, and the health status of the individual experiencing the pain should be evaluated as well. Underlying health issues such as depression, stress, imbalanced nutrition, and lack of physical activity can all impact the severity of back pain.

For those struggling with back pain, whether it's due to poor posture, an old injury, or chronic conditions like osteoarthritis, acupuncture works in several ways to help relieve discomfort. Here are some mechanisms by which acupuncture helps:

  1. Pain Relief: Acupuncture points are often near nerves. When needles are inserted, they cause a dull ache or sensation that signals the brain to release endorphins, acting as natural painkillers.

  2. Muscle Relaxation: The insertion of needles also stimulates blood flow and triggers the release of other chemicals that relax muscles and decrease inflammation.

  3. Balancing Energy: While this is more of a traditional perspective, some people report feeling more balanced and relaxed after acupuncture, which could contribute to an overall sense of well-being and reduced perception of pain.

Acupuncture, herbs, cupping, movement therapy, and nutrition have all proven effective in treating chronic pain. Dr. Chianni Lin’s integrative approach to treatment combines these methods of treatment in the best way possible to relieve you of your specific back pain.

Can back injuries be prevented?

Back injuries are often the result of an accident. This can often be the result of weakened musculature in the back. The spine's support can become compromised if the back muscles grow weak. This is also why gradual wear and tear can also cause back pain. Fortunately, there are ways to take precautions to lessen your chances of injury. Increasing physical activity will help strengthen the back muscles, and activities like yoga improve flexibility by stretching and lengthening the muscles. Learning how to lift with proper form will also help keep the back safe from injury when carrying something heavy.

Dr. Lin offers patients advice and education on supplementation, diet, and exercise through yoga and qigong to improve posture and performance.


Back pain can severely limit our daily activities and reduce our quality of life. While medications like anti-inflammatory drugs can offer temporary relief, they come with a set of side effects. Acupuncture and related treatments provide a holistic, non-intrusive way to manage back pain, and a growing body of scientific evidence supports its effectiveness. 

Dr. Chianni Lin at the Center for acupuncture & Anti-Aging Medicine Dr. Chianni Lin, DAOM As a Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (DAOM) in Santa Monica, California, Dr. Chianni Lin is highly respected as one of the leading Eastern Integrative Medicine providers serving Los Angeles. Her integrated practice, the Center for Acupuncture & Anti-Aging Medicine, incorporates acupuncture, herbal therapy, myofascial release, lifestyle coaching, and movement therapy (yoga, qigong). Dr. Lin is deeply committed to making a meaningful difference in her patients' Health, Longevity, and Vitality.

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